Just Maybe

“The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with my loving-kindness” -Jeremiah 31:3
We’ve all created something in life-whether it’s a piece of art, a meal, a baby- and when we create it, we’re creating it in our image. We’re shaping it how we want it to be. Now what if every time we created something, making it the best that we can make it, perfect in our eyes, it ended up bad. The art work turned ugly. The meal turned moldy. We’d be pretty disappointed; probably upset. Yet somehow after God created us, and we mess up, He loves us the same as He did when we were new and perfect. He thinks we deserve unconditional love- something we rarely give us always receive. So maybe we should try a lot harder to be what He created us to be- Good. Kind. Loving. Forgiving. Beautiful. And just maybe that would be enough to make this world a more beautiful place. __a.c.

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