Self Doubt 

They’re going to doubt you. They’re going to question you. Tell you it can’t be done. Tell you your path is a dead end. Some will laugh. Some won’t say anything at all. Some will be people you’ve just met. Some will be people you’ve known your entire life. The point is, nobody has everybody supporting them. And often we let that de-inspire us. We start to think maybe we aren’t good enough. Maybe we shouldn’t achieve our far off dreams. Maybe we should settle. But we shouldn’t! We should never settle for less than what we want! We should never let anyone tell us we can’t do it! Because we can! It won’t always be easy. And you’ll never have everyone’s support. But never give up. Imagine how far you’d be if you never gave in to others’ doubt. Because you see, you’re the only one who needs to believe in your dreams for them to come true! So believe in yourself. Because you’re so capable of achieving your dreams! And you absolutely deserve to. __a.c. 

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